The Residences at Salisbury Square
YWCA Greater Newburyport
The Residences at Salisbury Square
This 42-unit affordable housing project was completed in 2019. Located in Salisbury, MA, it is on a bus line that goes from Salisbury Beach to Newburyport’s downtown. It is located near a rail trail and public library. Unit sizes vary from studios to three-bedroom units.
All units are restricted to those with incomes at or below 60% of the area median. There is a preference for households experiencing homelessness, for those with a least one member who is disabled and qualify for Community Based Housing, and for those with a sensory disability. Income and preferences are all defined in our pre-application available here.
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facility hours
Mon-Fri: 6 am - 7:45 pm
Sat: 8 am - 1 pm
Sunday: CLOSED